Re: Science Education crisis

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 07, 1997 at 23:18:17:

In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Lynn on January 07, 1997 at 19:25:25:

: I'm not exactly Pat Robertson's biggest fan, but being from Hampton Roads, Virginia, I'm pretty familiar with what he has to say. I think it would be helpful if you could provide some direct quotes. There seems to be quite a bit of misunderstanding about the meaning of what he has said.

He has a great deal to say about what he thinks is a woman's "proper" place in society is, as well as many othe narrow and bigoted opinions about his follow human beings.

: I do not think the state should show favoritism, either.

Because whenever it has happened freedom and choice go out the window.

: There are many who are working towards making the charitable contributions recieved by churches taxable. I hope you feel the same way if and when these taxes take effect.

Not the charitable contributions but their other financal transactions.
I can remember about 25 years ago, or so, when some bankers had stolen around a billion dollars from the Vatican bank and that they hardly even noticed it was gone.

: Of course not.

I thought you would.

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